3 Ways to Navigate Stress and Its Impact on Your Menstrual Cycle

and Address Menstrual Irregularities, Cramps & PMS

By Femke Verhulst

Don’t let your menstrual symptoms like cramps, PMS, missing & irregular periods get in the way of your daily life any longer. Making small but effective changes like lowering stress from lifestyle is the first step towards building a better relationship with your body and feeling unhindered by your menstrual cycle & period.

Get ready to learn about…

✔ How stress affects your menstrual cycle
✔ How to manage missing & irregular periods
✔ How to tackle stress to ease menstrual symptoms

Hi! I'm Femke

I am a Holistic Health Coach and Nutritionist for women who want to overcome hormonal issues and balance their hormones naturally through lifestyle. I use a holistic approach in my coaching practice and address the root causes of symptoms so that they don’t keep growing or coming back.

I am so driven to help women tackle their health struggles. Whether they’re experiencing fatigue, acne, painful periods, PMS, and mood swings like I was, or they struggle with PCOS, irregular or absent periods, want to quit hormonal birth control, lose weight, or get rid of bloating.

It is my mission to help women become their best selves and feel empowered by their menstrual cycle!